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Bejeweled Twist Game Cheat Codes

Bejeweled Twist

View the Credits:
Submitted by: RM

To view the credits put the mouse cursor over the "Classic" button,
and move around in a clockwise direction going "Classic", "Zen",
"Blitz", and "Challenge". Repeat till the screen changes and the
credits start to scroll.
Note: This can be done even if you did not unlock every mode.

Solution to Enigma 7 (The 8-in-a-row) puzzle:
Set up this general format. Be careful for unwanted cascades.
A, B, J, K, and Z should be different color gems with Z being
the ones we're going to make our 8-in-a-row with.

- - - - Z - - -
- - - Z - - - -
- - - - K - - -
- - - J J - - -
- - Z A B Z Z -
Z Z - B B K K Z
- - J A A - - -
- - - A B - - -

Rotate the BB/AA block in rows 6 and 7, which will create two
fire gems out of A and B:

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - Z - - -
- - Z Z - Z Z -
Z Z - - K K K Z
- - J J J - - -
- - - A B - - -

J and K will cascade out leaving you with the 8 Zs in row 6.

Blitz mode:
Successfully complete level 10 in Classic mode.

Challenge mode:
Reach Rank 3 in Classic mode.

Belief And Betrayal Game Cheat Codes

Belief And Betrayal

We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.

Bella Sara Game Cheat Codes

Bella Sara

Get more Bella Sara cards:
Submitted by: RM

Kinda obvious, but on facebook, a bella sara club, or i-dressup or whatever,
ask someone if they wanna trade bella sara cards. you know to trade, it has
to be unused? well say it is unused, type in the code and let the other
person give you the cheat. Hopefully, the person doesn't just give you a fake
one or does this cheat, so if they don't you have an extra card.

Bellboy - Manage Your Own Hotel Game Cheat Codes

Bellboy - Manage Your Own Hotel

Submitted by: David K.

*Click with mouse the up and down arrows on the lifts to operate up or down.
*Try to time the lifts so you get as many guests into the lift at the one time.
*Watch the circle above guests heads to see what room they have been allotted.
*When the lift is empty return it to the ground floor immediately so more guests
can be collected.
*Once you have guests above the ground floor you can then use the second lift
to take them to the right floor.

Belles Beauty Boutique Game Cheat Codes

Belles Beauty Boutique

Submitted by: David K.

Power Player Tip:
For you power players out there, try this trick. When the gossip lady
asks for a new treatment, don't move her! That's right, keep her where
she is. Let the other patrons come to her to keep racking up the gossip
points. Give her magazines or tea to keep her happy if she starts to
get upset.

Gossip and Flirt:
The key to bringing in the money is to rack up as many flirt and gossip
bonus points as you can. Always seat guys and gossipers in the center
chair of a set so you can get double points from the people around them!

How to finish Level 40:
Well the technique is flirt, flirt, flirt, and gossip, gossip, gossip. At
first I thought to get all expert scores, the customers bars need to be
full, I was wrong. I could actually get way beyond expert scores even if
customers are on the verge of leaving, its all in just letting the elderly,
chubby, gossip lady and elderly guy stay for a little while longer in their
chairs than necessary so new customers can flirt or gossip with them.
Gossip and flirt scores are like, $15 or $20 each, assuring that you would
reach the expert score. And always use the makeover button when its full.
For getting past Level 40, all you need to do is always match the Dracula guy
and gal and the Frankenstein couple. Also, the fairy and the mummy are like
the gossip lady and the elderly guy in the previous levels, just make them
stay a little longer though if the fairy's bar starts getting low, you should
apply the spa treatment as a full bar would yield you about more than a
hundred dollar payment.

Easy money:
Get as many flirt and gossip bonus points as possible. Always seat men and
gossipers in the center chair of a set so you can get double points from
the people around them.

Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Game Cheat Codes

Bejeweled 2 Deluxe

Submitted by: Haspa

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect.

Effect Code
Toggle border display - noframe
Original Bejeweled gems - oldskool
Winter background - xmas
Space background - starfield
Colorless gems - blackandwhite
Green mode - greenscreen
Slow motion - slomo
Amber mode - amberscreen
Normal colors - normal
Gems switch colors - colorswap
Matrix style background - network
Wavy background - nausea

Original Mode:
To enter Original Mode, you must move the mouse in a clockwise circle around the
four mode select buttons on the menu screen (Classic, Action, Endless and Puzzle
in that order). It is not enough just to touch the buttons in order, you must
actually describe a circle shape with the mouse. You may need to do it several
times. Eventually, however, an Original Mode game will start. Original Mode is
the same as Bejeweled 1; Classic Mode with no Power Gems or Hyper Cubes.

Twilight is a tops-turvy version of Classic. Here, "gravity" alternates between up
and down on every swap you make. Reach level 18 in Classic.

Hyper Mode:
Hyper Mode is a 4x faster version of Action mode but with a slower timer. Reach
level 9 in Action.

Cognito Mode:
Cognito Mode is a clever cross between Puzzle and Classic Modes. Beat All Levels
In Puzzle Mode.

Finity Mode:
Reach level 280 on Endless Mode to unlock Finity.

Play Free Games!:
Click here to play free games powered by Zango and CheatingDome.

Special Effects:
Just punch in these codes at anytime to enjoy the effects. Just punch them again to
undo them. All the codes are CASE-INSENSITIVE, so you don't have to worry about the
caps lock.

Note: Effect only work for the current game in progress. You will have to punch them
after each game.

noframe Hide/Show the Game Borders
xmas Switches Background to an ice-type planet & snows
starfield Switches the Background to Space

Secret modes:
There are at least five secret game modes that can be unlocked, among them are:

Twilight - unlocked once you've reached Level 18 in Classic Mode. It's much alike
Classic, except that newer gems alternating drops from above or rises from below.

Hyper - unlocked after reaching level 9 in Action mode. In this mode all animations
move in a furious speed, but the time is the same paced as Action.

Cognito - unlocked after finishing all planets in Puzzle mode. It's a lot like Puzzle,
except you score in each moves and using a hint forfeit your score for that level.

Finity - unlocked after reaching level 280 in Endless mode.

Original - unlocked if you moved your cursor in a circular clockwise manner around each
menu buttons. Plays like the original Bejeweled, where 4 or more gems don't form Power
Gems and the like.

Battletech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception Game Cheat Codes

Battletech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception

Free C-bills:
While still training (before the training center is destroyed), you
will notice that you will receive money (allowance, paycheck,# bribe,
etc.) 15 C-bills at a time. Just select a spot in the training center
and wait for about an hour. You should have at least 500 C-bills.
Note that this only works on some locations on the map. Each location
varies by version number, does not work when paused, and will not
work after the training center is attacked.

Should you have problems finding that magical spot in the training
center, there is another way to get lots of cash. First, after every
training mission, hang around until the money stops appearing. Then,
put it into the ComStar stocks of Defiance Industries, better known
as DefHes. This stock will steadily increase as time passes. If you
are careful, you should be able to buy tech training in the MechitLube,
all the weapons courses in the Citadel, a flak suit and a mech weapon
of your choice. Then, leave whatever money you have in the stock.

Should you make it to the Spaceport, hide behind the ComStar building
for a few hours, and presto, instant cash. It may take a little longer,
but it is well worth it. Try leaving the game running overnight
to get up to 1.4 Million C-Bills.

Battlezone Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
Hold [Shift] + [Ctrl] and enter one of the following codes to
activate the corresponding cheat function. A screen flash and
sound will confirm correct code entry.

Effect Code
Unlimited shields - bzbody
Unlimited pilots - bzfree
Full map - bzradar
Unlimited ammo - bztnt
Enemy always appears on radar - bzview

2. Version
Enter these codes while playing:

HOLD CTRL+SHIFT AND TYPE "BZBODY" Vehicle does not take any damage.
The screen will flash green, and the health powerup sound will play.

HOLD CTRL+SHIFT AND TYPE "BZTNT" Vehicle does not expend any ammunition.
The screen will flash blue, and the ammo powerup sound will play.

HOLD CTRL+SHIFT AND TYPE "BZFREE" Construction costs no scrap or pilots.
The screen will flash white, and the scavenger sucking sound will play.

HOLD CTRL+SHIFT AND TYPE "BZVIEW" Satellite view does not require a comm
tower. The screen will flash yellow, and the menu next sound will play.

HOLD CTRL+SHIFT AND TYPE "BZRADAR" Enemy objects are always visible,
regardless of distance or stealth. The screen will flash purple, and
the radar ping sound will play.

IAMADIRTYCHEATER (typed on mission start screen). Enables all the missions.

Rave track and lights:
Enable the "Unlimited ammo" code, then pick up the rave gun in mission one.
Hold the fire button to shoot continuously and the game will play a rave
track and will display different colored lights.

Taking out gun towers:
Order your armory to supply the gun towers with the Mag cannon (1 Mag
cannon if it is a NSDF gun tower and 2 Mag cannons if it is a CCA gun
tower). They can track you, but only fire a small amount which can be
seen at a distance.

Defeating Soviet Walkers:
Note: A tank equipped with two SP-Stabbers is required for this trick.
First, use the hills for cover and wait for the Walker. Then, when it is
close, run and jump and hit it while firing. If you are lucky enough, the
Walker will fall. Once on the ground, the Walker will immediately try to
get up again -- waste no time in killing it. When the Walker is on the
ground, it cannot shoot you. Another technique is to use the thumper
device on Walkers. They will be spinning around so fast that they become
easy tank fodder.

Alternative Music:
To hear an alternative melody, go to the first moon level and activate the
"unlimited ammo" cheat code. Grab the Rave gun and hold down the fire

Battlezone - The Red Odyssey Game Cheat Codes

Battlezone - The Red Odyssey

Cheat Codes:
Press [SHIFT] and [ALT] while playing and type
the folowing codes:

Code Result
TENERD - Satellite Without Com Tower
TEBUFFY - God Mode
TEDEADITE - Unlimited Ammo
TERAT - Unlimited Scrap

Steal enemy Reycler:
The following trick is useful in missions where you do not
have access to a Recycler or Factory. Ask the Armory to equip
you with a MAS grenade. The MAS grenade leaves a holographic
imprint of a friendly ship on what usually is an enemy.
After doing this, you get a good geyser source for the Factory
that you are going to steal. Then, replenish your friend's
heath and ammo with the Armory. Then, lead them to any other
base, preferably the Northwest. Destroy anything that can kill
you, but keep the Recycler alive. If your team destroys the
Recycler, you have to risk taking another base without any
reinforcements. After you have destroyed everything that can
kill you or your team (including pilots), move your team out
of target range from the Recycler. Make sure you have a large
amount of ammunition. Shoot the Chinese Recycler with a MAS
grenade. It, as usual, will turn good. But, you can open a
comm channel with it. With this, order it to construct
scavengers, a Factory, a Constructor, Turrets, etc.
Make sure that the Recycler is still good before it
completes building something -- if it turns bad when it
completes something, the object that it creates will be
also be bad. After you pump the Recycler for resources,
destroy it as necessary. Let the Constructor build a Silo,
so the scavengers will have a place to store scrap. Set up
the Factory to replace any lost units, and continue playing,
aking out bases as you please.

Mission select:
Use the following steps to select a mission without having to complete
any others. Go into the "Mission Start" screen for either the Black
Dogs or the Red Storm. Type iamadirtycheater at that screen. A list
of files will appear in the upper left box with the planet. Choose the
desired mission and begin game play.

Defeating Chinese Walkers:
Note: A tank equipped with two SP-Stabbers is required for this trick.
First, use the hills for cover and wait for the Walker. Then, when it
is close, run and jump and hit it while firing. If you are lucky enough,
the Walker will fall. Once on the ground, the Walker will immediately
try to get up again -- waste no time in killing it. When the Walker is
on the ground, it cannot shoot you. Another technique is to use the
thumper device on Walkers. They will be spinning around so fast that
they become easy tank fodder.

Battlezone 2 - Combat Commander Game Cheat Codes

Battlezone 2 - Combat Commander

Hold [Ctrl] and press ~ to display the console screen.
Then, enter one of the following codes.

Result Code
Unlimited shields - game.cheat bzbody
Unlimited pilots and resource - game.cheat bzfree
Full map - game.cheat bzradar
Unlimited ammo - game.cheat bztnt
Instant comsat link - game.cheat bzview
Mission skip - ai.winmission
Play as ISDF after mission 14 - play isdf
Play as Scion after mission 14 - play scion

When your armor starts to get low, order one of your tanks
to come and pick you up; that way, if your tank is destroyed,
you'll have a nearby vehicle ready to go.

In multiplayer games, be sure to shoot anyone who is running
around on foot. If he's your opponent, you'll win the game
by taking him out.

You can assume control of enemy vehicles by shooting the
driver with the sniper rifle, then assuming his place behind
the wheel.

Codes for the Demo Version:
Push [Alt] + [Shift] during game and enter one of the
following codes to activate its corresponding cheat.

Invincibility - tebuffy
Full map - tedontdie
Satellite view - tenerd
Unlimited ammunition - tedeadite
Unlimited scrap - terat

Editor hack:
It order to do this, you must have version 2.0 of the game. Start the game
with the /edit command line parameter. Go to a single player game and press
[Ctrl] + E. You will automatically go into the editor. Go to multi-player
mode and start a session. Join a map, then once in the level, exit it.
Then, click on "Chat/More". Note: This option will not be there unless
you are playing v2.0 or later. You will be in the server again. Join a
map again, and once in the level, press [Ctrl] + E. The license agreement
will appear. You can now continue editing.

Continue ISDF:
When you remove Pashada Burns from the rubble of the dropship in Fanning the
fire (presumably the last level of ISDF) you'll continue to the scion campaings.
To continue with the ISDF create a new pilot called 'PLAY ISDF'. To go straight
to the scion levels create a new player called 'Play Scion'

Secret: Infinite site camera
Activate site camera and eject from vehicle. This gives you infinite site
camera.To turn this off, activate site camera after getting into another
vehicle and you will return to normal vision.

Editor mode:
Enable the game.cheat bzeditor code. This enables in-game editing. Press
[Ctrl] + E to display the license agreement. Select "Accept" to enter the
editor. Notice that there are several tabs to select from.

Height: Controls terrain elevation
Object: Controls and places objects
Type in an object name in config box. For example, aptech.
Type in spawn in config box for object spawning.

Type in object name in object label.
Type in _# (replace # with a number) by object name for spawn rate.
The object will spawn after that many seconds once the first object that
spawned is no longer in existence.
You can rename objects so that when you point at it, the name that is
specified in the box is what the name of the object is.

Water: Places water
Color: Edits terrain color
Texture: Edits terrain pattern
Path: Confirms which .dll file to use

Type editor in the control menu ([Ctrl] + ~), something similar to this
should appear. Press [Enter] after entering each value.

cmd Accept
cmd Reject
cmd Undo
cmd Redo
page = 0

Type editor.editor and you will get this message:

"Error (col 13): Unknown command "editor.editor".
Type editor.reject and the program will perform an action. Letters in dark
blue cause actions.

Type and you should get this message:
page = 0
However, typing in 1 will result in this message.
page = 1

Some commands require more than one value, such color. It will say something
like this.
fog color = 128 128 128 RGB

Type in sky.fogcolor 255 255 255 and this message should appear and all fog
shall become white.
fog color = 255 255 255 RGB

Type editor.water and you will get another menu.
Words in yellow will bring up another menu.

BBS Jane Seymour Game Cheat Codes

BBS Jane Seymour

1 - BBS
2 - JANE
4 - BY
7 - AND
10 - ROB

BC Kings Game Cheat Codes

BC Kings

Hint: Defeating the enemy:
My tip is to build alot of guard towers around your town and keep
your hero in the back of the town for protection. you also should
have massive amounts of warriors and keep half in your village and
send the others to destroy your enemy's village.

Tip 1:
The easiest way for me to defeat the enemy is to get alot of workers in
groups of 4 to quickly build and fully upgrade tons of towers around the
outer edge of your camp. As you advance build more and go back and tear
down the old ones (it gives you half materials back). This way allows
you more time to harvest and upgrade other buildings without having to
buy a huge army.

Tip 2:
Send out the Archers, Catapults and Birds to do most of the work. If you
have them stay far enough away they can take out the towers and other
buildings undetected. It may take more time since only a few can gather
around without being seen, but it works.

BC Racers Game Cheat Codes

BC Racers

Cliff's Clues:
Cool n' Crazy Cliff Ace, has some prehysterical hints
to help you out:

If you wipe out other riders, you gain bonus points!
So attack like a mastodoon on heat!

Try and save a Nitro for the end of the race.

Try and find the Not-so-secret Shortcuts not-so-well-hidden
throughout some tracks (allegedly)!

Avoid losing at all costs!

Beach Head 2000 Game Cheat Codes

Beach Head 2000

Submitted by: Bruce

Additional ammunition:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create
a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text
editor to edit one of the "level_*" files in the game
folder. Locate the "//Bullets, Projectiles, Missiles"
section and increase the three numbers that follow the
"Ammo" entry that is underneath to set the amount of
bullets, projectiles, and missiles (in that order) that
will be available in that level.

Change enemy aggression:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit one of the "level_*" files
in the game folder. Locate the "//Tank, Jet, HelicopterGun,
HelicopterRocket" section and decrease the four numbers
following the "Aggression" entry to lower how difficult
the enemy tanks, jets, helicopter guns, and helicopter
rockets (in that order) will be in that level.
Note: The numbers must be from 1 through 9.

Submitted by: rickHH
If you're having trouble aiming, follow the path of your
tracer fire or make your own crosshairs with Scotch tape
and stick it on the monitor.

Conserve heat-seeking missiles for either tanks or planes.
Deal with helicopters with standard artillery fire.

The only reason you should use your handgun is to pick off
supply crates that drop in.

Switch to the Antitank gun when the big chunks of metal start
rolling in.

Try to pick off enemy foot soldiers while they're still in
the boat. You should be able to wipe out all of them with a
direct missile hit.

Change Level Settings:
Under the beachhead directory you'll see a list of
all the levels in the game:


If you open those in notepad you can modify any of the
levels settings. Incuding type of ammo and the enemys agression...

//Bullets, Projectiles, Missiles
Ammo 250 15 15
Time 120
//Tank, Jet, HelicopterGun, HelicopterRocket (range:1-9)
Aggression 6 6 6 6

Just change the numbers beside "Ammo" to whatever you want,
or lower the agression of the enemies to give yourself a
little breathing space.

Saving ammunition:
When the boats that carry the troops and tanks appear, do not wait until
they hit the
beach and the gates drop. Instead of trying to gun down every solder that
comes out
of those boats, use the howitzer cannon and try to destroy as many of the
boats as you
can before they hit the beach. Do this quickly and accurately, trying to hit
each boat
with the first shot. You will not be able to get all of them before they hit
the beach unless
done quickly. For the remaining boats, use your machine gun and gun the
troo[s down as
they appear from the boats. The troops will be in more of a group formation.
Only use your missiles on the jets and helicopters. If you run out of
missiles and need to
shoot a jet down, use your machine gun and wait until they dive towards you.
Shoot away at them to take them down.

Beach Head 2002 Game Cheat Codes

Beach Head 2002

Submitted by: Sushant

if you wanna play the last level just go to the game folder open the folder-"BH2Game".
ther will be levels just rename level-"01" or any other level to level-"99" and change
level-"99" to"01".enjoy!!!!

Cheatmode (demo):
Submitted by: conner54

Press one of the following keys.

Result Key
Unlimited ammunition - 1
Unlimited life - 2
Level skip - +

Beach Head Desert War Game Cheat Codes

Beach Head Desert War

Submitted by: conner54

Enter one of the following Keycodes.

result Key
Unlimited health - 1
Unlimited ammunition - 2

Beach King Stunt Racer Game Cheat Codes

Beach King Stunt Racer

Fall through house:
Select "Explore" then choose the blonde racer. Next, select the
red head woman. Get to the first level, the harbor. Find a stairway.
Drive your car up a short distance, tilted to the right. While doing
this, press [Space] or your nitrous button to go very fast up the
ramp into the house. Your car will fall for a few seconds, then be
transported in front of the building.

Beach Life Game Cheat Codes

Beach Life

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Gareth Homewood
Submitted by: nightraider

Enter the following codes while playing:

Code Result
costadeldosh - Unlimited money
quickquickquick! - Fast building
allbuildings - All buildings
[Shift]+[Alt]+$ - Extra $5,000
[Shift]+[Alt]+[F10] - All mission levels
[Shift]+[Alt]+[F9] - All sandbox levels

You can also press hold [Shift]+[Alt] and type
allbuildings at the main menu to unlock all
mission and sandbox levels.

Extra money:
While playing a game, hold [Shift] + [Alt] and keep pressing $.

change money
edit S301_???.SAV
go sector 30 offset 271 - 272
change to 0F 27

No sharks:
Hold [Shift] + [Alt] and type goawaysharks at the main menu.

All mission and sandbox levels:
Hold [Shift] + [Alt] and type allbuildings at the main menu.

In order to pass the level of "girl, girl, girl" it is necessary
to place 2 or 3 bars with the beer.

Beach Party Craze Game Cheat Codes

Beach Party Craze

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

1.Right click the shortcut icon for the game and choose properties.

2.Click on "Find target..." button and you will be directed to the
folder of the game.
3.Double click on the folder "data" to go into it.

4.Double click on the folder "Levels" to go into it.

5.Inside the folder "Levels", there is a file called "Level_01_01".
Right click on it and choose to open with notepad.

6.Once open, you can change the money you start with that level and
how many stars you will get as well for finishing that level. i.e.
[Money Value = "100"/] means you start with 100 money. So, if you
change it to [Money Value = "100000"/] basically it will put you
with 100k at the start of the level.
[Expert Time = "160" Stars = "15"/] shows that you will get 15 stars
when you finish the level in expert time. Just replace it with 3000
and you're good for the whole game i would say.

7.After finishing, close the file and save it. Take note that for one
file, it only changes for one level. So, if you want to change money
for the rest of the levels, you have to change one by one. No need
to change the stars since we already put in 3000 for the first level
which would last us the whole game.

Beach Volleyball Game Cheat Codes

Beach Volleyball

Level Skip:
To end the current level type "daddy bracey"
and then press F1.

Beadz Game Cheat Codes


Submitted by: David K.

Use your mouse pointer to aim where you want the beads to hit.

When beads are at maze intersections you can cause maximum damage and clear
adjacent colors.

Beam Breakers Game Cheat Codes

Beam Breakers

Submitred by: RM

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a
backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor
to edit the "config.ini" file in the game folder. Locate the
"[Settings]" section and edit the following lines so they


The following codes may now be used during game play.

Result Code
No damage - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + G
Unlimited turbo - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + O
Win mission - [Ctrl] + T
Lose mission - [Ctrl] + W
Reset all help messages - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + M
Reset all collector boxes - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + C
Set enemy speed - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + E
Damage multiplier - [Ctrl] + [Alt] + D

Beanotown Racing Game Cheat Codes

Beanotown Racing

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Enter one of the following codes at the title screen.

Result Code
Big body - bigbod
Big car - bigcar
Big pie - bigpie
Play as Calamity James - calamity
Play as Walter when Dennis is selected - walter
Mirrored track - flip
Upside down track - aussie

BearStormin' Game Cheat Codes


Level - Password
2 - Tree
3 - Corn
4 - Deer
5 - Clock
6 - Cloud
7 - Wagon
8 - Dress
9 - Wheel
10 - Plate
11 - Kite
12 - Chest
13 - Swing
14 - House
15 - Ball
16 - Moon
17 - Belt
18 - Brush
19 - Fire
20 - Tiger
21 - Frog
22 - Door
23 - Mouse
24 - Duck
25 - Train
26 - Rope
27 - Plant
28 - Shirt
29 - Glass
30 - Raft
31 - Whale
32 - Snake
33 - Bench
34 - Cake
35 - Bike
36 - Sock
37 - Broom
38 - Boots
39 - Hose
40 - Book
41 - Fish
42 - Foot
43 - Apple
44 - Bone
45 - Spoon
46 - Bird
47 - Camel

Beast & Bumpkin Game Cheat Codes

Beast & Bumpkin

Cheat Codes:
Enter kneelbeforeme to enable cheat mode.
Then, type one of the following codes.

Code Effect
G - in will give unlimited gold
F1 - I dont know what that does
ctrl + F6 - shows full map
o103 - gives you more pesants in the form of children
o110 - Cow
C - Duplicate object last created

General strategies:
- Build or have at least one hut for every woman in your town. By doing
this, you will be sure to get population growth, and that is what you
- Halfway through the second or third year, use up all or at least some
or half your adult males as Footmen or Knights. This saves males for
later, as they do not age as Guildmen and can later be returned to normal
bumpkins to aid in population growth when there are more women than men.
- Explore, preferably with Footsoldiers. Two Footsoldiers or three or four
Bumpkins is a good exploration party.

Beast Wars Game Cheat Codes

Beast Wars

Type these at the Logo Start/Exit screen, if typed
correctly you will hear "Beast Wars!".

Code Result
ilikeiteasy - Enables all missions except rescue.
Will say unavailable but will work.
weloveithot - Enables unlimited special weapon uses.
rescueme - Enables access to all rescue missions.

Beavis & Butt-Head - Bunghole in One Game Cheat Codes

Beavis & Butt-Head - Bunghole in One

Cheat Codes:
Type "gosanta" while playing, then press "F2" to
display the cheat menu.

Beavis & Butt-Head Do U Game Cheat Codes

Beavis & Butt-Head Do U

Cheat Codes:
Enter "gosanta" at the options screen, then start the game. Press [F2]
during game play to display a cheat screen that allows the game to
advance to any location, change inventory items, and other actions.
To have the game play automatically, select the "Exit To Debug Mode".
"Tests", and "Game Walkthrough" options.

Click on Dean to ask question then try to exit through the stage, when
Dean tells you to "sit down" click on the light coming out of the wall
to do hand shadows, do this a couple of more times, then talk to Kimberly
until she gives you paper then click on Beavis or Butt-Head with the
paper and Beavis will make a plane, next click the plane on the Dean
and you will be free.

Go to the back & automatically ride cart, then click on window & when
Stewart goes after his papers, take his card. Have Beavis shut down
the computer, talk to Stewart and Butt-Head will have an idea and after
that you will have your first mark.

Get blind concert paper from the dork in front of the building, then
pick up the hose & put it in the window. Go inside and when they are
done, go down trash, click on lever on garbage truck and move broken
T.V. then get skirt. Go to bathroom and open lockers until you get a
cloth then click on stall door and when Beavis needs toilet paper give
him the cloth. Get the saw and the soap bottle on the wall. Go out
to the hall then go to the laundry room, get panties and put soap
bottle in washer then use hose in washer and then click on map & go
to the music room.

Click on the cello and end up at Deans, click on map & click on the
knight "Sir Walter Hancock", I said cock, he he he he he, then go
inside the building next to Van Driessen which is the cafeteria.

Click on salad bar, make a salad, put pepper on it until Beavis sneezes,
take the tongs. Talk to the lady to work off your hours. After playing
Simon Says with the food and completing it success-fully. Then go to map
& Deans (by clicking his picture).

Go in Deans room and get golf club and turn off the speaker on the wall,
go back to hallway & get microphone. Go to map & go to track.

Click on golf balls, click single ball & stop the swing between 1-3
lights but before 4th light. Then shoot a second ball on the fourth
light & hit the coach, now go get his shades and go back to Van Driessen
(knight on map), and when you get there then go in to Java 101 building.

JAVA 101:
Click on java machine and when she turns to face Cornholio, get tips jar.
Go back to Van Driessen.

Put the tips jar and blind concert paper in his case and give him the
shades. Back to dorms.

Use tongs to get map out of case that is outside dorm. Go inside & to
the laundry room, use change on washer, go down hallway to deliver the
dress. Talk to hall monitor & get check for dorms.
Go to agriculture.

Click on gate to cow, get the cattle prod off the wall, go to bull's pin,
click on bull with panties & when he goes after beavis get the pitch fork.
Go to Dorms.

Hey, it's the cow. Give the cow the peanut butter, take the cows "poop" &
use the bucket on the cow. Go to track.

Use coins on soda machine, go to the track and use the cattle prod on
Cornholio. Now you got your check for the track. Go to music.

Click on the device that the flute girl is using to keep her timing (can't
remember what it is called) until she leaves, use saw on lock and get flute.
Take the sheet music off the piano. Go to biology.

Grab heart, use pitchfork on heart when it is on the floor, put heart in
model body. Now you have a check for biology. Use flute on snake and have
Beavis get the eggs. Go in to bag and put eggs in egg tray. Go to agriculture.

Give milk to teacher. Hey, another check. Go to Deans or where the blonde
model is and give her the map you got with the tongs. Go to art.

Go to empty easle where nude model is & draw her by clicking on easle, give
paper to teacher, another check. Go to Deans.

Go to psychologist's room, give her the picture that Beavis drew, close the
blinds, turn off the lights and quickly take the picture on the floor.
Go to communications.

Talk on the phone. Replace the microphone with the one you have. Answer
phone until it doesn't ring any more. Go talk to the disk jockey & get
another check & record. Now put the microphone on the satellite and aim
the satellite at Van Driessen and click on him. Now go to Van Driessen
and give him the sheet music.
Go to music.

Play cello, while Beavis plays cello have Butt-Head play the radio. Yet
another check, the final check.

Get punch from old lady and put it on the record player, put your record
on the record player. Have Beavis grab the rope then have Butt-Head grab
the end of the rope. Go up to the ladder and click on the basketball hoop.

Get scissors off desk. Go to phone, click play on answer machine, click on
phone and let the answer machine get it, now hit record on answer machine
then click on the phone, let answer machine get it again. Leave frat house
and go to Deans.

Go in bag & place your certificate in the painting. Use buffer on spots. Go
in Deans room, leave to hall, use buffer again on wall, go back to deans
room and put your certificate on the wall. Go to horse with bird poop.

Use cow poop on horse, now use the saw on the horse. Go to track.

Use scissors on keys, use keys on storage doors. Go to field, give the
megaphone to the cheerleaders. Go back to lawn mower, use keys on lawn
mower, use cheerleader stand on lawn mower, click on party on map.

Beavis & Butt-Head In Virtual Stupidity Game Cheat Codes

Beavis & Butt-Head In Virtual Stupidity

Killing the General:
Go to the Dam where you would find the first alarm
(near the general Fort thing). Press the alarm (B)
and the general will appear. You can kill him by just
shooting through the fence.

Beckey Baseball Game Cheat Codes

Beckey Baseball

Submitted by: jens lohse

To play as Barry Dejay, just name your new player

Barry Dejay

and click DONE twice.

Bedlam Game Cheat Codes


Edit the player name from the main menu to GOD (case-sensitive),
and start a new campaign.

All weapons and equipment:
Start the game with the /karma command line parameter.

Bedlam 2 Game Cheat Codes

Bedlam 2

Saved game hex cheats

The SAVED.BDL file contains the saved game info. Each
of the 5 save game slots contains 244 bytes of data.
The 9th byte contains which of the 4 missions in each
zone have been completed. As the 4 missions are
displayed in different quadrants of the screen, the
hex numbers in this byte mean that different missions
have been completed depending on which zone the saved
game is for.

Zone: A B C D E F G
Screen: 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 only 1
3 4 1 2 3 4 4 2 4 2 1 4 mission

Hex value Missions completed
00 none
01 upper left
02 upper right
03 upper left and upper right
04 lower left
05 upper left and lower left
06 upper right and lower left
07 upper left, upper right, and lower left
08 lower right
09 upper left and lower right
0A upper right and lower right
0B upper left, upper right, and lower right
0C lower left and lower right
0D upper left, lower left, and lower right
0E upper right, lower left, and lower right
0F all

The 13th byte is which zone the game is in (A through G).
Hex 02 is A, 03 is B, 04 is C, 05 is D, 06 is E, 07 is F,
and 08 is G. In zone G, there is only 1 mission.

The 23rd, 24th, and 25th bytes contain the amount of money.
It can be maxed out to $999,999 with the hex values 3F 42 0F.

The 31st and 32nd bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #1.
The 49th and 50th bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #2.
The 67th and 68th bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #3.
The 85th and 86th bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #4.
The 103rd and 104th bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #5.
The 121st and 122nd bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #6.
The 139th and 140th bytes contain the number of shots in weapon #7.
These can be maxed out to 9999 with the hex values 0F 27.

Bee Commando Game Cheat Codes

Bee Commando

Submitted by: David K

Collect Powerups:
The various powerups that fall from behind your hive are crucial
to snatch victory from the jaws (or mandibles, as the case may be)
of defeat.

Oh Bee-have!:
Don't play fair - gang up on the opposing hives with overwhelming
force and take them out!

Bee Movie Game Game Cheat Codes

Bee Movie Game

Getting more Honey Points:
To get more Honey Points, drive any car through the streets,
and hit trash cans and traffic lights. As you hit them, you
will get more points.

Beer Game Cheat Codes


When you start the game, start it as:

beer /007.#

Where # can be:
1 - Infinite lives
2 - infinite money
4 - invincibility

These values can be added to be used at the same time.
Eg. : to use all the number would be 7 (1+2+4)

Beethoven's 2nd Game Cheat Codes

Beethoven's 2nd


Beetle Buggin' Game Cheat Codes

Beetle Buggin'

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter one of the following player names to activate the cheat function.
Note: If you create a new player with the name you wish, and then input
one of the codes, it will work with the new player. You must only save
the results prior to leaving the game. All entries must be in lowercase.

Result Code
All tracks unlocked -xpiral
$999,999 to start a new game -pelas
Press [F8] for screen shot -screen
Moon track -luna
Wireframe graphics -wireframe
View selected FMV sequence -video<1-4>
View frame rate -fps

Crash other cars:
Press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Windows desktop
during game play. All cars in view, including your own,
will go out of control. Wait several seconds, then press
[Alt] + [Tab] to return to the game. All other cars should
still be out of control, while you can regain control.

For Jump events, hit Nitro as early as you can to get
the highest speed by the time you leave the ramp.

Map separate controls for accelerating and breaking so
you can press both at the same time.

When taking sharp turns in the Cross events, you can
bounce off the inside side of your opponents' cars
to help whip around the turn and slow them down.

Beetle Crazy Cup Game Cheat Codes

Beetle Crazy Cup

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter one of the following player names to activate the cheat function. ^
Note: If you create a new player with the name you wish, and then input one
of the codes, it will work with the new player. You must only save the results
prior to leaving the game. All entries must be in lowercase.

Result Code
All tracks unlocked - xpiral
$999,999 to start a new game - pelas
Press [F8] for screen shot - screen
Moon track - luna
Wireframe graphics - wireframe
View selected FMV sequence - video<1-4>
View frame rate - fps

For Jump events, hit Nitro as early as you can to get
the highest speed by the time you leave the ramp.

Map separate controls for accelerating and breaking so
you can press both at the same time.

When taking sharp turns in the Cross events, you can
bounce off the inside side of your opponents' cars
to help whip around the turn and slow them down.

Crash other cars:
Press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Windows desktop
during game play. All cars in view, including your own,
will go out of control. Wait several seconds, then press
[Alt] + [Tab] to return to the game. All other cars should
still be out of control, while you can regain control.

Beetle Cup Crazy Game Cheat Codes

Beetle Cup Crazy

When you are in a race, if you switch to Windows (ALT+TAB)
all the cars in sight went crazy (yours too because it is
not controlled).
You can wait 4-5 seconds and switch back to the game.
Now you can see all the cars IN SIGHT going mad (hit into
the walls, go back, etc.).
If you have problems pass to another phase, do that and
everything will fix-up.

Crash other cars:
Press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the Windows
desktop during game play. All cars in view, including
your own, will go out of control.
Wait several seconds, then press [Alt] + [Tab] to
return to the game. All other cars should still be
out of control, while you can regain control.

Submitted by: Jens Lohse

Beetle ju Game Cheat Codes

Beetle ju

Cheatmode v1.8 :
Submitted by: Anand.K

You can use cheat codes in registered version only.
Beetle Ju cheat codes (just type it while playing):

Code Result
BJAMMO - extra Grenades
BJANTIG - antigravitation bonus
BJBBOMB - an extra big Bomb
BJBOMB - an extra Bomb
BJCOLA - a bonus drink
BJHEALTH - recover health
BJROCKET - extra Spray Missilies
BJTIME - freezer bonus

Beetle Juice Game Cheat Codes

Beetle Juice

Level codes

Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games Cheat Codes

Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games

Submitted by: RM

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable How to unlock
Archery Ace (15 points) - Score a perfect round in Archery
Backstroke Superstar (15 points) - Swim the 100m Backstroke in under 53.10 seconds
Back To Back Glory (35 points) - Win 5 events in a row on Xbox LIVE
Balance Beam Boss (15 points) - Score 16.80 points or over in the Balance Beam
Best With Friends (20 points) - Play a 4 player game on one Xbox 360 console
Breaststroke Bruiser (15 points) - Swim the 100m Breaststroke in under 59.30 seconds
Butterfly Idol (15 points) - Swim the 100m Butterfly in under 50.40 seconds
Career Athlete (50 points) - Complete an Olympic Games mode game
Changing Faces (10 points) - Play with a custom team
Class Act At Cycling (15 points) - Finish a Cycling Team Pursuit race (<3 minutes 56 seconds)
Crackshot (15 points) - In 10m Air Pistol score 10's for all shots in a round
Decathlon Dominator (40 points) - Win all 10 events in a Decathlon
Discus Champion (15 points) - Throw the Discus over 76.90m
Elite Freestyler (15 points) - Swim the 50m Freestyle in under 21.50 seconds

Battleground - Gettysburg Game Cheat Codes

Battleground - Gettysburg

Watch your organizations:
Use the "Show Organization" tool box button to keep
track of the various units to keep them within their
respective command radius.
If at all possible, keep regiments within the Command
Radius of their brigade leader, and brigade leaders
within the command radius of their divisional leader.
This helps prevent undue routing & disrupting, and aids
in rallying.

Place your artillery units carefully:
Use the "Check LOS" tool box button to "test" the lines
of sight from various vantage points. The more you have
to move an artillery unit the less use it can be.

Keep your reinforcements in mind:
Use the "Reinforce" pop-down menu to check on the arrival
time and location of any reinforcements you're scheduled
to receive (if any!). The proper use of your reinforcements,
may be the key to winning or losing.

Keep a reserve:
If at all possible, keep a reserve, whether on offense or
It just makes good common sense to have a readily available
force to "plug" the gap created by an unexpected rout, or
to have some fresh troops to throw into that breakthrough.

Watch your units facing!:
Facing in Gettysburg is critical (for infantry, cavalry and
artillery). Always check the facing/formation icon for each
unit as you select it (in the Unit List's icon display area).
More than once I've had enfilade shots at opponent's units
because they did not have them properly positioned.

Battletech Game Cheat Codes


They can increase the number of c-Bills,
by them in filefile files (GAME?) enter the
2-Byte-Wert at offset 5D5H.
For 28762 you input about:

debug game1
e 6d5 00 70

Battleground 3 - Waterloo Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 3 - Waterloo

Level Codes:

One Player Two Player

Battleground 5 - Antietam Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 5 - Antietam

Be sure to keep brigades and their commanders close together. Units
fight better when they are next to their own brigade, and brigade
commanders have a positive effect on units in the surrounding hexes.
This becomes especiall yimportant during melee and when checking
morale against disruption and rout.

Surround enemy units to destroy and/or capture them. As in most war
games, units have a "zone of control" (ZOC). Opposing units must
stop upon entering a ZOC, and units with a failing-morale check
cannot retreat from a ZOC. Once caught in the ZOC, these units are
trapped like roaches in a Roach Motel. This is an easy way to inflict
lots of casualties without causing extensive damage to your own units.

Battleground 6 - Napoleon in Russia Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 6 - Napoleon in Russia

Submitted by: rickHH

Keep in mind the rules regarding "threat values."
Formation changes attempted while enemy forces are
nearby may fail. Lower-quality units cannot be expected
to change formation successfully on a consistent basis
in the presence of the enemy.

Borodino battlefield:
Given the broken terrain of the Borodino battlefield and
the lower quality of the troops, you will probably want
to move and fight in column. Infantry in line can easily
become disrupted by obstructed terrain and stacking with
other types of forces.

Cavalry charges:
Don't overuse cavalry charges! Never expect a charge to
carry a prepared enemy force. Artillery and infantry should
be used to soften up the position before sending in the
cavalry. Also, pay attention to terrain features prior to
conducting a cavalry charge. Cavalry need large areas of
unobstructed terrain to make an effective charge.

Battleground 7 - Bull Run Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 7 - Bull Run

When first learning the game, try a short scenario with a
small map. These games can usually be completed in a few
hours and won't overwhelm a new player with lots of units
to control. Try the Blackburn's Ford scenario from 1st Bull
Run as the Confederate player.

Use artillery units with support from infantry to help take
well-defended positions. Artillery at short range is deadly.
It can cause three to four times the damage of regular small-
arms fire and can quickly blow holes in enemy lines even
against the best defenses.

When playing against the computer, remember that sometimes
the hint of an attack will be enough to send its units
scrambling for cover.

Be sure to keep brigades and their commanders close together.

Battleground 8 - Prelude to Waterloo Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 8 - Prelude to Waterloo

Unit Position Hint:
Pay attention to the location of your commanders and
their superiors. If you do a good job of keeping your
leaders in command, your forces will recover from
disruption much faster.

Battleground 9 - Chickamauga Game Cheat Codes

Battleground 9 - Chickamauga

Tip 1:Slowing enemy troops:
Whenever the situation permits, throw out skirmishers ahead
of your main body of troops to slow the enemy's advance.

Tip 2: Night action:
Night turns are best used to deploy newly arrived units and
rebuild shattered fronts. However, units moving at night should
do so in column formation; otherwise, they likely will suffer
the effects of disruption.

Battlehawks 1942 Game Cheat Codes

Battlehawks 1942

Cheat Codes:
To keep your pilots alive forever, make a copy of the files that have
your name before you go on a dangerous mission.
For example PILOT1.PLT or JOHN.PLT.

If you get killed you can copy the file back and your pilot is resurrected
as though he had never flown the fatal mission. For example, to copy the
file JAMES.PLT change to the Battlehawks directory and type:


To resurrect the pilot change to the Battlehawks directory and then type:

Make sure you copy the .PLT file every time you have a successful mission.
Make a separate backup copy for each pilot you have.

Battlemachy Jade Bandit Game Cheat Codes

Battlemachy Jade Bandit

Submitted by: David K

Many of the levels have you fighting against multiple opponents. Concentrate
your firepower on one at a time - having 2 wounded targets is not as useful
as one dead one!

Turret Troubles:
When fighting the turrets, keep shooting at one of them until you take control
of it (green icon). Then, with your combined firepower take out the other turret,
then dispatch the two guards.

BattleMan Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Code Level
FIRE!!! - #6
MASTER! - #11
BATTLE! - #21

Edit levels:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a
backup copy of the file before proceeding. Open your default
game folder, and open the "data" folder. Use a text editor
to edit the "" file in that folder. If you change
the number under "_TOTAL_LEV" you can add more levels to the
game, using [level51], [level52], etc.

The following is an example level.


Use the following as a key:
E: Empty
W: Brick
U: Spawn position (where you start)
K: Camouflage (grass)
M: Metal
A: Armored tank spawn position
F: Fast tank spawn position
T: Enemy tank spawn position

If you wanted to be cheap and make yourself invincible,
make the W around the two Es M, like this.
Note: The changes are in parentheses.


In that condition, your base is indestructible. Then, make whatever
other changes desired, for all levels.

Refer to the enemy numbers.


ARM: Armored tank The others are very self-explanatory
You can change the numbers, but do no exceed 5. An example,
with the changes in parenthesis.


The change would increase the standard (enemy) tanks, but decreases
the armored tanks, and completely annihilates the fast tanks.

If you did this, with the changes in parenthesis…


That would mean no enemies. When you start the level, it will pause a
few seconds (the standard spawn time), then it will fade away, and show
level 2. Some should-not-be-done things are trap yourself in metal
(spawn site) or trap your enemy spawn site in metal. This would make it
impossible to complete the level.

Battleon Game Cheat Codes


Secret Pit:
go to battleon near yuglars shop near valicena like 1 inch there a pit
in the ground go down if you wanna fight dark monsters

How to get gekko armor:
first u have to go in the rip in the sky then click on the gekko on the
tree 3 times then it will eat you then click on the skelleton guy then put
read book then go to the bottom right and this thing willcome then open the
left drawr and you will see a gecko click on the gecko then you will meat this
guy named pai beat his mini game and then you will get a code number then go
and put quit and you will go back to the drawr and on the bottom enter the
code they gave you and then on the top on the top you have to enter pai's
last name his last name is gekkonidae then the right drawr will open and
you will see a feather get the feather and then tickle left spot with the
feather alot of times until the gekko says stop tickling me then he will
spit you out then keep on clicking more then put shop and then go to armors
and get the gekko armor for 1000 gold but you must be level 10 or up

Easy money:
First go to the rip in the sky got in the do were there is a desk click on
it go in it the click the scoll the is by the smoke and shoot but don't att
him and you get free money

easy steps to get a good weapon:
Go to rip in the sky. then click on the left bit over there....u should find it.
Then click on the right and press enter. then click on ladder. the ladder will
go to the top. press enter. then u meet this guy. press more until it says yes
and yes. u will get a weapon called plunger. 5 to 21 damge but has 10 bonus.
Good for noobs. but is a temporary item and will disapear after a while. when
it does go do the wholke thing all over again.

How to get a pet wolf:
click travel map. Then click on darkovia forest. Then click on werewolflair.
Then look to the left of the werewolf king then u will see a wolf, click on
the wolf and it wil say, YES! take the cool pet, then click on it.
But when u log out u wil have to do the same thing again.

Really REALLY good earth attack:
First buy the earth power armour,then go to Warloc's shop and buy the Earth
rage spell.(lv 50) When you wear the earth power armour,your earth rage spell
doubles,giving you from 10-54damage!
Earth rage spell does two attacks in one,so you could get 108 damage in total!

How to own carnax battles:
To kill carnax easy,u need to be a guardian and a lvl 9 necromancer.
you should have the ability undead mutant. when ur about to battle carnax there
would be a treasure chest next to the carnax battle screen,open it and u will
get a temporary carnax blade this does chaos damage to carnax.Next battle carnax
and use undead mutant on him it would most likely do 60-150 damage and because of
undead mutant u will do 6 hits.
it would be realy easy to beat him,plus u get easy xp and cash,how about that.

Get more than 10hp pots:
1st u must go to the pet shop n buy a spell called salad shooter. Then go talk to
artix click 'heard any rumors?'then click on hunt the seed spliter. Then just keep
using the spell n it will give u hp pots.then just keep repeating it.i got 4 hppots
the 1st time though

Werepyre armor:
First u need to go 2 Darkovia. When it shows the map click on the secret and it will
take u to a deserted building. Kill the mechazombie and droag outside before u can
enter. When u get inside wolfwing will. apear. Hell attack u sooner or later so make
sure u have over 200 hp. After he attacks u tell him u want to become a werepyre.
Hell make u one and u can buy the armor for 2000 coins. Ull then have half vampire
half werewolf armor!

Don’t Become An Ex-Guardian:
Don’t bother becoming an ex guardian because it says that it gives you better weapons
and 10000 gold and more experience. But it gives you the gold but it doesn’t give you
the extra experience points because say that you was fighting a monster. If you checked
the opponents stats and look at how much EXP you was meant to get if you won and it
said you was meant to get 450 EXP then you won you would get 400EXP and for extra you
would get 50EXP so you would get the same amount in total but it would look like you
was getting extra but you aren’t. (apply to all amount of EXP)

Legendary Fighter's sword:
Keep canceling or fleeing until you reach a Legendary Fighter. If you defeat him,
click on his sword. You will get it until you log out.

Legendary Hero's sword:
Keep Fighting random fights until you run into a Legendary Hero. When you find him,
kill him and click on his sword. The sword will stay with you until you log out.

Special weapons:
At level 15 or higher, go to the Multiquest. Click on the girl in the black, then
select the quest for the Kayda Reaver. It is best to have a good ice weapon. If you
encounter a Drakel Air Raider or a Drakel Captain, kill them and click on their
weapon before you click "Next". Alternately, fight monsters and eventually you will
encounter a Drakel Air Raider. If you are a Fighter, the third boss is a Drakel

Good Light secondary pet:
Get to level 5 or higher and go to Darkovia Forest. Go to the Werewolf Lair. If you are
a vampire, go to the Cure and vs. Evil Eye (3), Moglin Phantom and 1,2,or 3 Vampire
Slayers. Cure yourself, then battle Chico or flee or cancel. When you are at the Werewolf
Lair, activate the curse and click on the golden wolf. Then on the top right corner,
click take the cool pet and the bright wolf will be your secondary pet. It is stronger
than a dark wolf. If you have the armor lycan, which you get from the wolf next to
the bright wolf, have a dark wolf from aria, and everything on your side will be a
wolf if you equip lycan to you.

Loada of health potions and mana potions:
Well first do the frogzard hunter quest part 3 first you fight one monster then you
fight a swamp trog (he is weak so you will kill him no problem) Then once you kill
him he gives you 10 health potions. After that you will see a zard master then you
have to fight zard just flee instead of fighting them then you will be back in battle
on. Then do the defender orb quest and get all the treasure chests and you will get
potions or gems but there are a few potions as well.

Mana Potions:
First you need a spell called "light of mana". Then if you meet an undead enemy you
cast the spell on it. If you are lucky you could get a mana potion! Only works on enemies
with the word "Undead" in them.

Beating monsters more easily:
At the beginning of the game get Robina Hood 2 fight with u her crossbow does about 32
damage a hit!

when asked to choose a friend to adventure with choose robina!
If a monster has 200% wind then she will hit 60s sometimes!
If its just got 100% or lower ull hit 30s with her

10 Potions:
Talk to Twilly, and ask him about the Frogzard Hunter. Click Frogzard Hunter lvl 3 and
then at the start you'll fight a mosquito. Later, defeat the Swamp Trog and he will give
u 10 potions. Then, just flee when you're fighting the InfernoZard to cancel the mission
to get 10 free potions.

Easy Z-tokens and good houses:
First, you need 200-300 z-tokens. Next you go to valencia and talk about houses. Either
that or select balyhoo and and other items. then once you get to where you can buy a house,
buy the tent(the only one you can afford at a low lvl.). you dont have to clear the forest
to do this. now just wait a couple of weeks and your house will be worth even more Z-tokens.
My house is currently worth 560 Z-tokens already. the z-token amount will increas by 10 every
week. thats why i said wait a few weeks.after a long period of time, you can sell it for a
lot of tokens and get a bigger house. every house is worth more than the last per week.
forest tent 10 per week. next house Either 15 or 20 per week. next house is 20 or 25 per
week. next week is 25 to... well... you get the point. eventually you can get the biggest
house, or keep the z-tokens that you pationtly earned. its as easy as that.

Easter Egg - chiocalate:
It is verry large and is the same colour as the sun and it also has 6 layers of cream and

The safe:
Go to rip in the sky. find the library and clik on the biggest flame and you wil see the safe.

Get 25 potions:
Firts go to twilly an go to frog zard hunter then qeast 3 after the swamp trog give you ten
poitions go to aria shops then buy a spell then go to twilly again then click hered any rumors
then hunt seed spitter then use the spell to attack it then somtimes he will give you some
poitions attack it antell you get 25 potions.

"Death Scythe", the weapon of the reaper.:
When you die, you will always see the reaper, then click the hourglass (bottom right). You
just travel and fight and defeat 10 monsters without dying once. If you succeed, the reaper
will be impressed and he will give you his scythe. Death Scythe: Attack: 10-40 Special:
Unleashes the dead spirits to attack your enemies for 4 hits, that can deal total damage of
90 damage. (chance 30%)

Easter Egg - easy help:
What you do is go to keld naer and pick a side and then a weapon and a partner go into
battle and when you have enough skill points run from the battle and there you have it
some help until you log out.

Attack without a enemi:
Go 2 the guardian tower get a dragonrider armor then clik on the kid say yes and you
chalang a monster then chanch yor armor and youl fale but leave the attak buton on.

How to make your name backwards Seriously:
Go to warlic's shop then look around mix all the stuff in top shelf into mixing bowl then
you will be teleported.BEWARE!YOU WILL DIE if you are lvl 65 or under.then after that you
fight with 0 hp and 0 mp. when you are back to full health, go look at your name.

Easy money:
First log in then click under BATTLE MONSTERS you see ballyhoo and upgrades click that
then click ballyhoo then watch her clips when the clips done click get prize and your
prize is money and also if your lucky you can get 10 z tokens (money goes up when you lvl)
and its for free users as well as gardians.

Temporary Weapons:
For Those who have lousy weapons and want a new one.

Unlockable How to unlock
Plungerizer - Escape from rip in the sky n click on take plunger.
Fangmaw Axe - Go to Adder's room and click on the grey axe.
Tusk Spear - Deafeat Chrask and click on horn.
Drakel Tube - Deafeat Drakel Air Raider and click on gun.

Best ice team:
First go get a two bear form from gnuvain the shapeshifter and buy the liquisepter from
jackel sano and if you are an aerodu clan member buy the gong of the wind or if not buy
the nerfkitten. the nerf kitten uses the atak nerf can lower tthe defenses of your foe
and increase its weakness and also get galrick or brontus or lavistra to help u in battle
and poof you have the best ice team.

Easter Egg - Free and easy Z-tokens:
Hey guys i discovered a thing when u need tokens for something and got 100 or around that
too less, just get too Ballyhoo she gives you gold everytime and when you viewed 4 or
something then around each video u view u got i think 30% chance that you find 10 Z-tokens
so keep watching and u make a lot of tokens! I made 1000 tokens in one hour!

Submitted by: John

When I search for the secret pit as carefully as I can, even when I move my cursor
everywhere you said to move it it doesn't ask if I want to go down or show a hand.

Rare weapons:
Go south on map go to jagged peaks then talk to the girl then fight four ms then
fight4-5more and you get an egg it has a rare weapon inside it.

Unlock Health Potion Re-fill:
In order to do the Health potion re-fill formula, you go to Warlic's shop and click
explore, then sure thing, really.
1. Click,Drag Mermazon Kelp drag it into te bowl DIRECTLY south of the kelp.
2. Then Click, Drag Frogzards Tear into the same Bowl.(next to the ,Right bottle).
3. Then Click, Drag Magma Leaf (red Coral looking).
Then your potions will be restored to an amount.

Unl. health:
Go to jagged peaks then complete the mission twice next take two health potins then
take 2 mana potians while fighting a minitor.

How to find blade of awe items:
Go to the cross roads if you rea gredein its rerly founed there and go to the rip in
the sky and go to the nerist door to the left and go to the water cumber and you will
gets cheasts and they will have 3 pointins or a peice of the blade awe.

Easy wins:
First become a necromancer then train it to level 5 if your a non guardian if your a
guardian make it level 10 if your a guardian buy the obsidian cloak if non guardian
necromancer then if non guardian if guardian use undead mutant.

Submitted by: Arlen

if u want to get a lot of health potions fast, here's what u do.
1.go to pet "buy pets". "shop spells". 4.choose to buy "salad shooter".
5.exit pet shop. on twilly. hello. "heard any rumours".
"hunt seedspitter". 10.use "salad shooter" and u will get a potion for every time that u
use "salad shooter". 11.if u run out of mana,press flee then press on twilly again and he
will refill all of your health and mana,then repeat steps 7 to 10 a lot of times to get a
lot of potions.

Pet Rock:
At Warlic's mix Slottwab Dust, Magma Leaf, and Bad juice together.
Pet Rock disappears when you log off.

Pyshco Fiend:
He can do a base damage of 30-52 damage If only use like water plate If ubers It's
damage will become 9-30 base damage.

2 grand a day:
Once in town look at the left bottem hand corner and you will see balleyhoo and upgrades
click on it and watch the advertisment after go back to game and then you will see a
button that says watch another advertisment watch it up to 8 times cuz it gives you 290gp
each time and sometimed z tokens.

10 health potions:
Goto battleon and click on twilly goto the frogzardhunter and click on quest3 defeat 2
monsters and youll get 10 health potions, on the third monster flee.

Gekko armor:
First go to the rip in the sky. Then click the gekko three times then he will eat you. While
your in there click aroung to find a box then when u do the middle code is gekko and bottom
code is 86623 ater u open it u will get a feather. Click aroung till he lughs really hard then
he will let u out then u will ask for a reward and hell say sure y not or sumthin. Then it will
open a shop then buy the lv 10 Gekko armour for 1,000 gold!

Easy money:
Go to battleon and click on rip in the sky. then go to library which is first door on the left.
Click on table behind the pool. click the scroll next to the one that is steaming. Now do shoot
carnax you dont have to do anything and each time you get around 450g. hint you can get a carnax
blade buy clicking on the chest in front of robina and warlic. you can do shoot carnax as many
times as you want.

Battleship Game Cheat Codes


Fast vehicle cheat:
This cheat only works when absolutely nothing of
your army (that includes islands, merchant fleets,
oil rigs etc.) is on enemy radar.

1. Set a waypoint for one of your ships (or subs,
jets, AWACS) to follow.
2. Go to Continue Play.
3. Press s
4. "Fast" should be displayed.
5. The thing you sent on its mission will move very
quickly until it is spotted on enemy radar.

If the cheat does not work, try typing carryes instead
of just s. Be sure not to be on enemy radar.

Battleship - Surface Thunder Game Cheat Codes

Battleship - Surface Thunder

Submitted by: long john

Always take the rafts - they result in extra points and sometimes open a gate when
you drop them off. Beware, sometimes sharks are in the water and they will take down
the rafts. You can tell that there are sharks in the area when you hear the music.

Battlespire Game Cheat Codes


How to use:
Before playing with your savegames, it is ALWAYS a
good idea to BACK THEM UP! The savegames in Battlespire
are organized in the SAVE(x) subdirectories, where x is
a number from 0 to 9. Save0 is the first savegame
displayed, Save1 is the 2nd, etc. Figure out which
savegame you want to modify. Using a hex editor, you
will need to edit 2 files: SAVEVARS.DAT and SAVETREE.DAT.
Both are found in the Save(x) dir; do NOT edit either
IMAGE.RAW or SAVENAME.DAT. Open each file and goto the
Offsets (Dec) listed below. At each offset, enter the
HEX value that you want that stat to be; 0=00h and 99=63h;
these are the min and max values for these locations,
respectively. Make sure you change ALL 4 locations (2 in
SAVEVARS.DAT and 2 in SAVETREE.DAT) per attribute.

While the savegames seem to all follow the same format,
it is possible that it may change. Before using these
savegame hex locations, make sure that the savegames you
are working with were created with Battlespire *v1.3* (in
other words, if you haven't applied the v1.3 patch yet,
I have found these locations after lots of hex comparisons
and they seem to consistently work, but I will NOT be held
responsible for any damages incurred in this procedure.

NOTE: Offsets are in DEC!!


STR 32, 64
INT 36, 68
WIL 40, 72
AGI 44, 76
END 48, 80
PER 52, 84
SPD 56, 88
LCK 60, 92


STR 101, 133
INT 105, 137
WIL 109, 141
AGI 113, 145
END 117, 149
PER 121, 153
SPD 125, 157
LCK 129, 161

Battlestations - Midway Game Cheat Codes

Battlestations - Midway

Unlock All Levels / Movies:
Submitted by: boneK

Start a new profile with the name 'Henry Walker'
to unlock all movies and levels.

Battlestrike - Force of Resistance Game Cheat Codes

Battlestrike - Force of Resistance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Press "~", "`" aka Tilde to bring down the console then type any of
the cheat codes below, for their desired options:

Code Result
Cheat.GodMode = God mode ON/OFF
Cheat.JestemCieniasem = Naprawde jestes
Cheat.AddAmmo = Sets 500 clips before reload
Cheat.FullHealth = Max health
Cheat.GiveAllWeapons = Gives all weapons
Cheat.TuneClip = Gives more ammo capacity for the desired weapon
Cheat.TuneGun = Gives more Rate of Fire for the desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAllAmmo = Gives all types of ammo
Cheat.NextMission = Advance to next mission
Cheat.GiveKnife = Gives knife
Cheat.GiveMachete = Gives manchete
Cheat.GiveColt = Gives Pistol
Cheat.GiveColtAmmo = Gives Pistol ammo
Cheat.GiveDesertEagle = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveDesertEagleAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSnWmod39 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSnWmod39Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSpas = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSpasAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM16 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM16Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAK47 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAK47Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveMP5 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveMP5Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM14 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM14Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM16A1 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM16A1Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM60 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM60Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM79CAW = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM79CAWAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GivePPSh41 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GivePPSh41Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRPK = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRPKAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSniper = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveSniperAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveCrossbow = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveCrossbowAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM40Remi700 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveM40Remi700Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRocketLauncher = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRocketLauncherAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveGrenadeLauncher = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveGrenadeLauncherAmmo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRPG7 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveRPG7Ammo = Gives ammo for desired weapon
Cheat.GiveGrenade = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveClaymore = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponKnife = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponAK74 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoAK74 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponAK74Granatnik = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoAK74Granatnik = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponFamas = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoFamas = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponFRF2 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoFRF2 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponHKPSG1 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoHKPSG1 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponHKUSP = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoHKUSP = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponLRAC89 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoLRAC89 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponM1911 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoM1911 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponMilkorMGL140 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoMilkorMGL140 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponMP5sd6 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoMP5sd6 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponRPG7 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoRPG7 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponSPAS12 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoSPAS12 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponBren = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoBren = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponLuger = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoLuger = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponMauser98K = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoMauser98K = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponMauser98KS = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoMauser98KS = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponSchmeisserMP40 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoSchmeisserMP40 = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponSten = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoSten = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponTrenchGun = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoTrenchGun = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveWeaponPanzerfaust = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveAmmoPanzerfaust = Gives desired weapon
Cheat.GiveGranatStiHgr24 = Gives desired weapon

Ballyhoo Game Cheat Codes


Free Money Cheat:
Submitted by: jaybird

Go to the bottem right of the screen you will seea little option
that says ballyhoo and upgrades go in to it and choose ballyhoo
and open the chest you will get free gold the higher your level
the more you will get i'm level 24 and i got 240.

Bamba Snack Quest 2 Game Cheat Codes

Bamba Snack Quest 2

Submitted by: RM

Part 1:
- frighten the fly away then take match from matchbox and light it
then light the burner.
- take lid off bottle
- click on grey box and press the red button what you are looking at are
fuzzy pictures which need re focusing. to do this bring the picture together
in a straight line using the up and down arrows. Then focus using the left
and right arrows till you see a clear picture. Remember the picture and the
order of the colourd shapes as this is the formular that you will need to
make. Click the green button and remember the picture and colours do this
one more time. go back to main sceene and mix up root potion and if its
correct you will get a puff of smoke then poor it onto the plant then do it
again for the pictue with the plant on it then climb up the plant

Part 2:
- click rat to find out what it wants then click the toast to make steps
- go left and click the pasta hanging down go, right and click the toast
- click the empty hook then click the bread and a slice will fall click the
corner of the board under the sheep on the left, go down
- put board on the butter click the metal handle lying down then click the
pasta, pick up the board and go left
- click the yellow tube and go right
- click the mouse then click the toaster handle

Bambuzle Game Cheat Codes


Level Password:

Banana Dash 2 Game Cheat Codes

Banana Dash 2

Submitted by: David K.

Roll, move and jump with the arrow keys.
omplete each level under the time limit to move to the next level.

Bananoid Game Cheat Codes


Level skip:
Press the Right Mouse Button during game play.

Bandits - Phoenix Rising Game Cheat Codes

Bandits - Phoenix Rising

cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Go into the directroy where you have installed the game, and
find the file called \bandits\data\profiles\GARAGE.XML and
open it in a notepad. Then edit lines you want. For example
if you want all weapons available from the Mission 01 then
find mission 01 in that file and change all "no" values to
"yes" start the game and modify your weaponry.

Of course backup your files before editing them. Otherwise
don't complain to me your game doesn't work anymore.

Bane of the Cosmic Forge Game Cheat Codes

Bane of the Cosmic Forge

Press F1 at ball select to get 6 balls.

Bang! Gunship Elite Game Cheat Codes

Bang! Gunship Elite

Type these codes for the desired cheat function:

Code Result
dogmode - Activate God Mode Control at In-Game Cheat Menu
stoneskin - Infinite Shield Control
pianist - Enemy Shot Control
boooost - Infinite Boost Control
kinput - String Input in Cheat Menu
reflux - Infinite Flux Beam Ammo
greens - Infinite Phase Shift Cannon Ammo
firecrackers - Infinite Hellfire Ammo
nails - Infinite Titans Hammer Ammo
volcano - Infinite Magma Cannon Ammo
lightning - Infinite Electronic Laser Ammo
staystill - Infinite Stasis Cannon Ammo
listener - Infinite Sonic Cannon Ammo
bloody - Infinite Plasma Cannon Ammo
stormfire - Infinite ALL WEAPONS Ammo
getridof - Infinite Ammo on No Weapon

In the NEW GAME menu, type the following as your player
name to skip to levels 2 through 19:


You won't have much time to hang around after a kill,
because enemy ships will be on you faster than leeches
on Katharine Hepburn in The African Queen. But hang around
you must, just for a moment. That's enough time to see if a
glowing power-up will emerge from the white-hot explosion.
If it does, grab it you'll need all the bonuses you can get
in this game.

When mastered, manual targeting is much faster and far more
effective than auto-targeting. I mapped my targeting controls
to a joystick button for faster access.

Curiously, some weapons will obliterate certain craft but draw
a complete zero against others. Never waste your ammunition.
Monitor the health percentage of each ship you shoot and stop
firing immediately if your ordnance is not having a debilitating

Every early level introduces a new and improved weapon, each of
which must be utilized on that level if you have any hopes of
emerging triumphant.

Submitted by: nightraider

Bang, Boom, Splat Game Cheat Codes

Bang, Boom, Splat

Submitted by: RM

Level 2 - Complete Level 1 with at least 30000 points
Level 3 - Complete Level 2 with at least 40000 points
Level 4 - Complete Level 3 with at least 30000 points
Level 5 - Get bronze or higher in Levels 1 to 4
Level 6 - Get bronze or higher in Level 5
Level 7 - Get silver or higher in Levels 1 to 4
Level 8 - Get silver or higher in Level 7
Level 9 - Get at least 5 platinum scores
Level 10 - Get at least 6 platinum scores

Banjo-tooie Game Cheat Codes


Submitted by: jimmy spille the 3rd

enter the cheat's at mayahem temple after spelling
cheat 1 yggijteg
2 nestking
3 jiggywiggyspecial
4 castlist
5 playitagensun
6 honeyking
7 xobekuj

Banshee Game Cheat Codes


Enter Highscore as MARY WHITEHOUSE for "Gore Mode"
enter KANNIJADE KREW to enable invincibility.

Banzai Bug Game Cheat Codes

Banzai Bug

Play as Various Insects:
1. when you get into the first level, you can hit a
switch behind a cabinet
2. the muffler on the car opens up, and you can travel down it
3. it takes a while, but you get in to a wide room
4. inside, there are many different bugs you have never seen
before, each aquipped with it's own special powers
5. you can play as a lady bug, a praying mantis, a beetle,
a worm and a hornet
6. you can pick any one of them by walking up to it

Secret Bug Room:
Find and press the switch behind the cabinet, on the first level.
The muffler in the car opens up. If you get into it and you'll find
a secret room where you can change into other bugs.

Bap! Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
Believe it or not, somebody made another cheap arkanoid clone.

* We made a 1-byte patch that gives you endless lives.

* The Level codes:

Barbarian Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
During the game, type "04-08-59".
The screen should turn grey. If so, you are now invulnerable
and have unlimited lives.

To kill the final Wizard, you must have a shield.
When his shot comes at you, use the defense icon, and it will
fly back at him.

Barbie As The Island Princess Game Cheat Codes

Barbie As The Island Princess

We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Barbie Horse Adventures - Mystery Ride Game Cheat Codes

Barbie Horse Adventures - Mystery Ride

Completion bonus:
Successfully complete the game after
saving Lucky the horse to get a pony.

Barbie Magic Hair Styler Game Cheat Codes

Barbie Magic Hair Styler

1. Load up the Barbie Magic Hair Styler EXE file in any icon
2. Then there should be the orignal icon-- the one thats being
used now.
3. Scroll down into the list until you see more icons.
4. Voila! South Park kids and people who helped make the game
as a icon for you to use!

Barbie Pet Rescue Game Cheat Codes

Barbie Pet Rescue

Bonus level:
Submitted by: RM

Successfully complete the game with all certificate earns. After
all certificates have been printed, return to the Playroom. Stacie
will no longer be here, and you can play a Stacie search and rescue

Barbie Secret Agent Game Cheat Codes

Barbie Secret Agent

Submitted by: conner54

Jet pack to fly around with:
If you are in action mode you can type ''JET'' into the keyboard
and barbie will get a jet pack. If it works you will see a sliver
jet pack appear on barbie. You can fly where you want by hitting
the jump button. Type in ''JET'' again to turn it off.

Bard's Tale Game Cheat Codes

Bard's Tale

Easy money:
Early in the game (without cheating), go talk to the barrel maker that
is inside one of the Broch's. This is the Broch that is near the middle
of the town, but at the west end; his door is facing north (if you were
to be facing his door, you would be facing east). The name of the place
at the bottom of the screen when you walk in will read "Boyd's Barrels",
at the west side of Houton. After you talk to him, go back outside.
Go to the right side of his Broch and start destroying the barrels next
to his dwelling (that are under the awning). He will come out and talk
to you. Give him nice responses. He will give you the "Barrel Maker -
Break lots of Barrels" quest. After that, every time you see a barrel,
make sure you do whatever it takes to break it into tiny pieces. Then,
go into The Drunken Rat bar and smash all the barrels on the upper floor.
This is the floor you are on when you first walk in the front door. There
are eight barrels that you can smash with your fists or a sword, and three
behind the three singing drunks that you cannot destroy until you have
bought a bow at the store. This makes a total of eleven barrels.
Then, go down the stairs in the back room of the bar. You will find
eleven more barrels to smash. After all those barrels have been smashed,
go out the front door of the bar. Then, go back in and smash them all
over again. After smashing a large number of barrels (over 100) go to
the man who gave you the quest. He is standing next to the awning where
you broke his barrels. He will give you 500 Silver.
By doing this, it, you can make as much money as desired early in the
Note: Try buying the Longbow to shoot the three barrels behind the
singing drunks.

The Wizard Of Oz reference:
Sometimes when killing a scarecrow, it will drop a diploma, making a
reference to The Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz getting a diploma from
the wizard.

You Got Served references:
The Knight summon occasionally says "Thou hast been served".

Donate 100 silver to the priests, both in towns and in the wild to unlock
various bonuses, such as movies, artwork, and songs.
Use the following trick to unlock the bonuses easily. After getting at least
2,000 silver, save the game. Find a priest and make a 100 silver donation.
Keep donating 100 silver until all your silver is gone. Then, pause game
play and select the "Exit To Main Menu" option without saving your game.
Answer "Yes" when warned that your unsaved chapter progress will be lost.
Once at the title screen, enter the "Extras" menu to view the unlocked
bonuses. Exit that menu and load your previously saved game.
Immediately save the game again. You will still have your silver and the
unlocked bonus options.

There is no easy way to get all the bonuses. You must do a set amount of
large donations which are listed as follows. The number indicates the number
of large donations that must be made with the corresponding bonus that you
will get. Note: If you save and leave the game you must redo every donation
to get up to the same amount as when you saved.

1: Movie: Introduction
2: Song: Beer, Beer,: Beer
4: Art Gallery 1
6: Art Gallery 2
10: Movie: Bard's Tale Logo
15: Song: Bad Luck - Ogan
20: Art: Gallery 3
25: Song: Bad Luck - Wolves
30: Art Gallery: 4
35: Song: Bad Luck - Minion
40: Movie: InXile Logo
45: Art Gallery 5
50: Song: Bad Luck - Jail
60: Art Gallery: 6
70: Art Gallery 7
80: Song: Tale of the Nukelavee
100: Song: Here's to the Bard
120: Art Gallery 8
140: Art Gallery: 9
160: Song: You're a Fooling One
180: Art Gallery: 10
200: Song: Bad Luck - Lava Life
220: Song: Bad Luck - Lava: Death
220: Song: Bad Luck - Bard
260: Art Gallery: 11
500: Movie: Ending 2
600: Movie: Ending 1
700: Movie: Ending 3

Final choice:
In the final choice, if you have summons out you can ask their advice, unless
they do not talk (then the Bard just says "Right").

Load your party, go to the statistics screen for the first player.
Pool all of the party's gold to the first player, then remove him
from the party, and then load him back in.Then pool the gold to
another player. Repeat this for each player.

Turn off the computer without saving the game and every player will
have the gold of the entire party before. Repeat if wanted.

The Highlander reference:
Talk to the crier in The Tup Pub in West Dounby and agree to be in the talent
show. You will get the Boots of "Quickening" as a reward. Read about these boots
in the menu to learn that they were made for the Highland warrior Connor McLaihd.
This is a reference to Connor McCloud from the Highlander movies. Also, all the
other quickening boots have been lost, and the narrator says there surely can
be only "one" pair left.

Easy kills:
After you kill the giant rat in the beginning of the game, go through Houton
village and find the puppy in the middle part of the village. Respond nicely
and the dog will follow you. As you journey on, the dog will distract enemies,
thus making easier kills.
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