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Bejeweled Twist Game Cheat Codes

Bejeweled Twist

View the Credits:
Submitted by: RM

To view the credits put the mouse cursor over the "Classic" button,
and move around in a clockwise direction going "Classic", "Zen",
"Blitz", and "Challenge". Repeat till the screen changes and the
credits start to scroll.
Note: This can be done even if you did not unlock every mode.

Solution to Enigma 7 (The 8-in-a-row) puzzle:
Set up this general format. Be careful for unwanted cascades.
A, B, J, K, and Z should be different color gems with Z being
the ones we're going to make our 8-in-a-row with.

- - - - Z - - -
- - - Z - - - -
- - - - K - - -
- - - J J - - -
- - Z A B Z Z -
Z Z - B B K K Z
- - J A A - - -
- - - A B - - -

Rotate the BB/AA block in rows 6 and 7, which will create two
fire gems out of A and B:

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - Z - - -
- - Z Z - Z Z -
Z Z - - K K K Z
- - J J J - - -
- - - A B - - -

J and K will cascade out leaving you with the 8 Zs in row 6.

Blitz mode:
Successfully complete level 10 in Classic mode.

Challenge mode:
Reach Rank 3 in Classic mode.

Belief And Betrayal Game Cheat Codes

Belief And Betrayal

We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.

Bella Sara Game Cheat Codes

Bella Sara

Get more Bella Sara cards:
Submitted by: RM

Kinda obvious, but on facebook, a bella sara club, or i-dressup or whatever,
ask someone if they wanna trade bella sara cards. you know to trade, it has
to be unused? well say it is unused, type in the code and let the other
person give you the cheat. Hopefully, the person doesn't just give you a fake
one or does this cheat, so if they don't you have an extra card.

Bellboy - Manage Your Own Hotel Game Cheat Codes

Bellboy - Manage Your Own Hotel

Submitted by: David K.

*Click with mouse the up and down arrows on the lifts to operate up or down.
*Try to time the lifts so you get as many guests into the lift at the one time.
*Watch the circle above guests heads to see what room they have been allotted.
*When the lift is empty return it to the ground floor immediately so more guests
can be collected.
*Once you have guests above the ground floor you can then use the second lift
to take them to the right floor.

Belles Beauty Boutique Game Cheat Codes

Belles Beauty Boutique

Submitted by: David K.

Power Player Tip:
For you power players out there, try this trick. When the gossip lady
asks for a new treatment, don't move her! That's right, keep her where
she is. Let the other patrons come to her to keep racking up the gossip
points. Give her magazines or tea to keep her happy if she starts to
get upset.

Gossip and Flirt:
The key to bringing in the money is to rack up as many flirt and gossip
bonus points as you can. Always seat guys and gossipers in the center
chair of a set so you can get double points from the people around them!

How to finish Level 40:
Well the technique is flirt, flirt, flirt, and gossip, gossip, gossip. At
first I thought to get all expert scores, the customers bars need to be
full, I was wrong. I could actually get way beyond expert scores even if
customers are on the verge of leaving, its all in just letting the elderly,
chubby, gossip lady and elderly guy stay for a little while longer in their
chairs than necessary so new customers can flirt or gossip with them.
Gossip and flirt scores are like, $15 or $20 each, assuring that you would
reach the expert score. And always use the makeover button when its full.
For getting past Level 40, all you need to do is always match the Dracula guy
and gal and the Frankenstein couple. Also, the fairy and the mummy are like
the gossip lady and the elderly guy in the previous levels, just make them
stay a little longer though if the fairy's bar starts getting low, you should
apply the spa treatment as a full bar would yield you about more than a
hundred dollar payment.

Easy money:
Get as many flirt and gossip bonus points as possible. Always seat men and
gossipers in the center chair of a set so you can get double points from
the people around them.

Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Game Cheat Codes

Bejeweled 2 Deluxe

Submitted by: Haspa

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function. Repeat a code to disable its effect.

Effect Code
Toggle border display - noframe
Original Bejeweled gems - oldskool
Winter background - xmas
Space background - starfield
Colorless gems - blackandwhite
Green mode - greenscreen
Slow motion - slomo
Amber mode - amberscreen
Normal colors - normal
Gems switch colors - colorswap
Matrix style background - network
Wavy background - nausea

Original Mode:
To enter Original Mode, you must move the mouse in a clockwise circle around the
four mode select buttons on the menu screen (Classic, Action, Endless and Puzzle
in that order). It is not enough just to touch the buttons in order, you must
actually describe a circle shape with the mouse. You may need to do it several
times. Eventually, however, an Original Mode game will start. Original Mode is
the same as Bejeweled 1; Classic Mode with no Power Gems or Hyper Cubes.

Twilight is a tops-turvy version of Classic. Here, "gravity" alternates between up
and down on every swap you make. Reach level 18 in Classic.

Hyper Mode:
Hyper Mode is a 4x faster version of Action mode but with a slower timer. Reach
level 9 in Action.

Cognito Mode:
Cognito Mode is a clever cross between Puzzle and Classic Modes. Beat All Levels
In Puzzle Mode.

Finity Mode:
Reach level 280 on Endless Mode to unlock Finity.

Play Free Games!:
Click here to play free games powered by Zango and CheatingDome.

Special Effects:
Just punch in these codes at anytime to enjoy the effects. Just punch them again to
undo them. All the codes are CASE-INSENSITIVE, so you don't have to worry about the
caps lock.

Note: Effect only work for the current game in progress. You will have to punch them
after each game.

noframe Hide/Show the Game Borders
xmas Switches Background to an ice-type planet & snows
starfield Switches the Background to Space

Secret modes:
There are at least five secret game modes that can be unlocked, among them are:

Twilight - unlocked once you've reached Level 18 in Classic Mode. It's much alike
Classic, except that newer gems alternating drops from above or rises from below.

Hyper - unlocked after reaching level 9 in Action mode. In this mode all animations
move in a furious speed, but the time is the same paced as Action.

Cognito - unlocked after finishing all planets in Puzzle mode. It's a lot like Puzzle,
except you score in each moves and using a hint forfeit your score for that level.

Finity - unlocked after reaching level 280 in Endless mode.

Original - unlocked if you moved your cursor in a circular clockwise manner around each
menu buttons. Plays like the original Bejeweled, where 4 or more gems don't form Power
Gems and the like.

Battletech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception Game Cheat Codes

Battletech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception

Free C-bills:
While still training (before the training center is destroyed), you
will notice that you will receive money (allowance, paycheck,# bribe,
etc.) 15 C-bills at a time. Just select a spot in the training center
and wait for about an hour. You should have at least 500 C-bills.
Note that this only works on some locations on the map. Each location
varies by version number, does not work when paused, and will not
work after the training center is attacked.

Should you have problems finding that magical spot in the training
center, there is another way to get lots of cash. First, after every
training mission, hang around until the money stops appearing. Then,
put it into the ComStar stocks of Defiance Industries, better known
as DefHes. This stock will steadily increase as time passes. If you
are careful, you should be able to buy tech training in the MechitLube,
all the weapons courses in the Citadel, a flak suit and a mech weapon
of your choice. Then, leave whatever money you have in the stock.

Should you make it to the Spaceport, hide behind the ComStar building
for a few hours, and presto, instant cash. It may take a little longer,
but it is well worth it. Try leaving the game running overnight
to get up to 1.4 Million C-Bills.

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